On Sunday 9 June 2019 Sway once again held its biennial Open Gardens event from 11am - 5pm.
16 locations were open including villagers own gardens, community spaces such as Stanford House Green, the grounds of St Luke's Church and the Memorial Garden, and the flower beds on Sway Station for those arriving by train.
Prior to the day, the weather was unsettled and the forecast for the day was not good. However, the day dawned bright and sunny and apart from a couple of spots of rain was warm and sunny throughout.
There was a fabulous plant stall in the Youth Centre, the best of raffles and delicious refreshments in the Church Rooms next door.
Entertainment during the day was provided by Reeds in Harmony and Rowan Recorders.
Once again out complementary hop on hop off bus was making it's rounds, enabling visitors to see as many gardens as possible.
BoostBike Hub from Brockenhurst were on hand with electric bikes for visitors to try free of charge.
A huge thank you to all who supported this event and to all the local businesses for their kind sponsorship/donations of raffle prizes.
We were able to present a cheque for £8,844.66 to Oakhaven Hospice.
Sway Gardening Club swaygardeningclub@outlook.com