Monthly Meetings Programme

THURSDAY JANUARY 18 2024 - Rachel Foster, head gardener of patick's patch
Year round productive gardening at Patrick's Patch
  • Table show - 1 houseplant per member
    2023 Annual subscription of £20

THURSDAY february 15 2024 -  ray broughton - fruit trees and bushes for small gardens
  •  Table show - A shrub for winter interest, 1 stem
THURSDAY march 21 2024  - graham giddens -  birds of the new forest and coast
Open evening for new members - wine and nibbles
  •  Table show -spring flowers, 3 stems
THURSDAY April 18 2024- bryan madders - some unusual perennials
  • Table show: 1 Tulip
THURSDAY may 16  2024- helen milne - the principles of garden design
  •  Table show - A vase of  of garden flowers, 3 stems
THURSDAY june 20 2024- liz marsh - the history of gardens of ordinary people
  •  Table show -  rose in bloom, 1 stem
THURSDAY july 18 2024- Rosemary legrand - a japanese journey continued
  •    Table show - A vase of garden flowers (not an arrangement)
tHURsDAY september 19 2024 -Chris bird - interactive pruning
  •  Table show - A vase of garden flowers (not an arrangement)
THURSDAY october 17 2024 -  emma o'grady - in at the deep end - designing my first garden
AGM starts at 7pm. Talk follows at 7.30pm
  •  Table show - A vase of autumn colour (not an arrangement)
    tHURSDAY november 21 2024 - end of season party
    Guest speaker - Craig McEwan's quiz

Other Events

saturday 16 march 2024 - spring show

sunday 9 june 2024 - open gardens

Saturday 17 August 2024 - Summer show